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Sadly the transmission in our trusty minivan shot craps and has been sitting in our driveway for a couple of months now idle. We have a looming roundtrip planned and the Kia Soul (Rozy) is just not big enough for 7k miles of travel for 5 people. So we sat out on a quest to find some new wheels.

Isn't she a beaut'

Ana has a doctorate in being awesome and did a lot of research on fuel efficiency, safety ratings and all the bells and whistles for vehicles available in the area. After letting our fingers do the walking for a while we set our eyes on a 2017 Kia Sedona SX at a local dealership. We stopped in and talked to a young sales agent named Lenny who gave us the tour and let us take it on a test drive. A couple of hours and some haggling later we are now the proud owner of a top of the line low mileage caching behemoth.

Most of our current fleet (not pictured: Little Helper, out on assignment)

After some not so heated debating we have settled on the name Falkor named after the Luck Dragon from The Never Ending Story and his arrive is just in the nick of time. Tomorrow we roll out for a legendary Hickman road trip!


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