When my older kids were young we spent a lot of time building and flying model rocks. I had originally discovered the hobby when I was a teenager and wanted to pass it on to them. We purchased a couple of simple sets at Hobby Lobby and built them together (well they mostly watched me build them).

Each kid had their own rocket displayed in their room and we would take them out to the park on weekends to shoot them off. We mostly stuck with smaller engines like A3-A10 but occasionally got bold and shot off C engines. They loved running across the fields to catch them as they slowly floated back to earth. Sharing our experiences eventually encouraged our friends Kevin and Erin (and her son Alex) to join in (see video below).
The rockets played a consistent role in our hobby experiences appearing on Easter prize tables and in stockings till they just kind of grew out of it. Yesterday when shopping a consignment sale I came across a small kit however and purchased it to share with Bridget. Who knows we might be a rocket family again!
You going to make a Model Rocket geocache or have you already