We meet a lot of different personalities through FHS. It's remarkable how many creative and brilliant people find themselves on the streets. Among the folks I have had the good fortune to meet is Lexi. A true artist her husband, "Country", and her would find reclaimed wood and she would setup on the side of Beardsley Rd near the West bottoms painting heart out. She would sell these unique pieces of art and use the money for provisions for her camp. To support her many of us would purchase her artwork and share it online to get her more attention. When I got promoted to manager at work I purchased a nice piece to showcase over my desk. This eventually led to her getting an art showcase at the Prairie Fire Museum in Olathe.

Luckily Lexi and Country were able to get into a house and have used their residence to provide a place for people to do laundry and shower. She's also been a staging house sharing food and clothes with the houseless community they know so well. I've helped transport a new refrigerator and furniture to her place in midtown and she is always so appreciative and welcoming. It gives us great joy to see someone we helped turning around and helping others themselves.
